Kelly Morrow

Kelly Morrow co-teaches World History II for Special Education along with two other Learning Center classes. Her former job was at a middle school in Framingham. Outside of the classroom, Morrow enjoys exercising, watching movies, spending time with her family and taking care of her new kittens. Her close friends would describe her as someone who is always on the go and wants everyone to have justice in the world.

What do you think your strengths are as a teacher?

I really care about my students, and I really want to know my students. I want them to know that I care about them. I think that it’s really important for students to feel loved in school, and I think that when students feel that way, then they can be more comfortable.

Do you think that having a younger brother has helped develop your love for children?

Yes, absolutely. My brother is currently a junior in high school. It helps me better understand my students outside of school. When I’m with my students, I’m thinking about my little brother. It’s like I see him in them.

What inspired you to become a Special Education teacher?

Honestly, Special Education happened by chance, but now that I’m here, it makes complete and total sense. I was getting my master’s degree, and I unexpectedly got asked to teach in a month-long math and science position. After I got my master’s, I was hired as a Special Education teacher. It made sense because in the past I had worked as an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapist, and I really loved that because it combined both of my interests.

Are there any role models that have inspired your career?

There are a lot of people that I’ve looked up to. I really respected John F. Kennedy as a president. He said that children are our future, and that’s just it: children are our future. I fundamentally believe that.

Do you think your morals developed over time or do you think you’ve always had them?

I think I’ve always been someone who has cared about other people and wanted other people to have justice. When I was in eighth grade, I didn’t really know about gay rights. We had a day in school where we learned about social injustices and when I heard that gay rights were even an issue, it made no sense to me. It turns out my sister was gay, which I didn’t know at the time. My middle school didn’t have a gay-straight alliance, so I started walking to the high school to go to the gay-straight alliance club because it upset me so much. I know that my sense of wanting fairness and equity started when I was very young.