Public service announcement: March Legislature updates
Contributed by BHS Legislature
Legislature and student council have been regularly meeting over Zoom to address student concerns.
Legislature has been pushing hard to help understand the needs of the student body. Over the past few weeks, members of Legislature have presented to every grade and collected feedback about how we can better serve the high school community and our students’ concerns. However, to really understand what’s happening, we need to hear from everyone. Beyond contacting your representatives, students are able to attend Legislature meetings or propose their own bills (Reach out to [email protected] or [email protected] for more information).
All of the bills that Legislature has passed this year have been due to student input. We have focused on attendance through bills such as the Sick Absence Bill, which provides assistance to students who have missed extended periods of school, or the Field Trip Absence Bill, which addresses the issue of student absences on class-related field trips. We have also been working on bills about academics such as the Assessment Feedback Bill 2020, which states that students have the right to know how they did on their previous tests before being assigned another assessment, and the Late Work Bill, which addresses issues related to late homework assignments. Finally, we have been working on the Grade Rounding and Grade Transparency bills, which sound as they are––they address transparency between students and faculty and streamline certain aspects of grading. We have listened to student concerns and feedback, and because of this feedback, we were able to make these things possible.
Overall, the members of Student Government are invested in keeping the high school community as close to normalcy as possible, especially during this uncharted school year. Legislature is currently discussing standardized grade rounding, consistent five minute breaks in eighty minute class periods and prioritizing student’s mental health. As always, if you have an opinion on one of these subjects, or you would like to bring an issue to the attention of the Student Government, reach out to your representative or contact @brooklinehigh on Instagram.
Student Government is for the students, so all your concerns, no matter big or small, are important to us. Help us improve the BHS community because high school should be enjoyable for everyone.